#Writober Day 21: Finding Sanctuary Under a Canopy of Dead Leaves

Study of Contradictory Abstract Nouns Finding the life in death and death in life. The moment of birth is the first step toward death, every breath oxidizes and ages, moving life toward its end. Every death is teaming with life. When the spark of life extinguishes, a thriving ecosystem gets to work: bacteria, microbes, fungus,Continue reading “#Writober Day 21: Finding Sanctuary Under a Canopy of Dead Leaves”

#Writober Day 20: Dangerous Drinks in the Shadows

Tourmaline .’s Halloween Challenge Today’s prompt is “drink.” This made me think of transformative drinks, like potions, or mad-science, like Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Those drinks usually bubble and smoke, and taste foul. Or, of course, there are the terrible things that are put into drinks: poisons, pills, or powders. I think I’m feelingContinue reading “#Writober Day 20: Dangerous Drinks in the Shadows”

#Writober Day 19: The Haunting Decor of Mal-Nourished Souls

Tourmaline .’s Halloween Challenge Today’s prompt is “decor.” For today’s images I scoured some old home decor magazines I found in the cupboard, looking for decor I found creepy. I cut them out and turned them into filters. OctPoWriMo Today’s theme is “Nourish the Soul.” I nourish my soul in so many ways: morning cuddlesContinue reading “#Writober Day 19: The Haunting Decor of Mal-Nourished Souls”

#Writober Day 18: Deadly Desserts Under the Perfectly-Imperfect Moon

Tourmaline .’s Halloween Challenge Today’s prompt is “desserts.” Last year I had fun thinking of desserts literally and creating Halloween chocolates. This year, I want to think of desserts more figuratively. Using the definition of dessert as the sweet last course of a meal, I started thinking about the finality of dessert—a sweet ending, aContinue reading “#Writober Day 18: Deadly Desserts Under the Perfectly-Imperfect Moon”

#Writober Day 17: Fear the Pontianak

This Week’s Contradictory Abstract Nouns So we made it through “the big 5:” beauty, happiness, wisdom, love, and truth. I have to admit, combining those big contradictions with all these other October challenges was hard, but I like the honeycomb and mask symbols that came from the work. Since there are only two week leftContinue reading “#Writober Day 17: Fear the Pontianak”

#Writober Day 16: Masks of Truth and Fiction

Tourmaline .’s Halloween Challenge Today’s prompt is “mask.” Masks are not only fun for Halloween, I think they are a great symbol for this week’s contradictory abstraction: finding the fiction in truth and the truth in fiction. Humans use masks to both hide the truth and create a truth they want others to believe. OctPoWriMoContinue reading “#Writober Day 16: Masks of Truth and Fiction”

#Writober Day 15: #SoCS Busy Spiders Fill My Happy Place with Webs

Stream of Consciousness Saturday Today’s prompt for some stream of consciousness writing is “happy place.” My happy place is filled with stinky smoke. Frustrating sunny days full of sharp, acrid haze make me long for rain. This time of year, here, wishing for rain feels so wrong. My happy place all summer has been atContinue reading “#Writober Day 15: #SoCS Busy Spiders Fill My Happy Place with Webs”

#Writober Day 14: Searching for Spooky on a Sunny Morning

Tourmaline .’s Halloween Challenge Today’s prompt is spooky. It’s hard to find spooky on a pretty, sunny morning, but I did my best. OctPoWriMo Where Spooky Lies When light slantsthrough cracksand color hidesWhere the darkis dank andsparkle diesWhile spiders weave,cawing murdersflyWho creepsin shadowswith creaking reply?What snarlscold shiversto quivering spines?How spookyevery cornerof haunted mind Writober FlashContinue reading “#Writober Day 14: Searching for Spooky on a Sunny Morning”

#Writober Day 13: Nightmare Kitty

Tourmaline .’s Halloween Challenge Today’s prompt is cat. I had some fun trying to make my kitty friend look like a scary Halloween cat. OctPoWriMo Today’s prompt is Faith and Flow. It’s Open Link Night at dVerse Poets Pub, so I’m adding this poem to the line-up. As Seen by Glowing Eyes Prowling the shimmeringContinue reading “#Writober Day 13: Nightmare Kitty”

#Writober Day 12: Ghosts of Forest Future

Tourmaline .’s Halloween Challenge Today’s prompt is ghost. OctPoWriMo I didn’t see a prompt today, so I’ll write a ghosts poem. That Shiver Out of Nowhere Specters flow through time and spacelike chilled memoriesarriving uninvited These ghosts come and gogrowing from ethereal umbrato fully encompassand fill with fearSpirits haunt the shattered, creepingalong flesh and spinesearchingContinue reading “#Writober Day 12: Ghosts of Forest Future”