October 3: Finding Beauty in the Chaos #OctPoWriMo #Writober and #NanoPrep

Tempest by Maria L. Berg 2020


Today’s Poetry prompt beauty in chaos inspired me to pull out an old canvas and my acrylics and play. Tempest is far from finished, but I see potential in the chaos (and my arm is covered in purple which is fun).

Form Free-verse

I was having trouble with today’s poem, but then I remembered enjoying the Clarity Pyramid form last year, so I decided to play with that. I changed the form slightly to make it work.


fruit-flies everywhere
swatting at everything
like zombies they rise again

“random acts excite attention”


Droplets like jewels strung
on spiderwebs glisten
these foggy, drab gray mornings

“Each day brings the unexpected”


How are your stories coming? It’s not too late to start.

Today’s visual prompt is a lovely illustration by Jim Burns.


Julit admired her new creation. The 3-D Lifeprint came with only a few approved designs, but she had easily re-programmed its functionality to fit her imagination. Her menagerie chattered in their usual hisses and clicks. For her next creation, she would try to program speech.

Read for inspiration and craft

Horror flash fiction What You Lost in the Wildermere by R. J. Howell – great use of second person POV.

Horror online magazine Arsenika

Today’s horror movie is Loch Ness Terror : Sometimes I get in the mood for a very bad creature feature and this one is so bad it’s good.

NaNo Prep

I had trouble brainstorming scenes yesterday. I think it may be because I started by typing them directly into my Scrivener file. Today, I’ll start in a notebook and just write down everything that comes to mind. I’ll also delve deeper into my characters’ needs and wants and try interviewing them about it.

I have to remind myself that this is all very preliminary. No pressure. Anything goes. My world is at my fingertips.

Published by marialberg

I am a fiction writer, poet and lyricist inspired by a life of leaping without hesitation. I was quoted and pictured in Ernie K-Doe: The R & B Emperor of New Orleans by Ben Sandmel. My short stories have been published in Five on the Fifth, Waking Writer, and Fictional Pairings. I am the author and photo-illustrator of Gator McBumpypants picturebooks. I enjoy clothing, costume and puzzle design.

2 thoughts on “October 3: Finding Beauty in the Chaos #OctPoWriMo #Writober and #NanoPrep

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