The First Narcissus

The First Narcissus photograph by Maria L. Berg 2021

This morning I found Stream of Consciousness Saturday (#SoCS) thanks to seeing Jenna at revivedwriter’s post in my wordpress reader. I was about to sit down to some stream of consciousness writing in my morning pages anyway, so I thought I would see what SoCS is all about.

The prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday (I really like the idea of my Saturdays being completely stream of consciousness) is posted on Friday’s on Linda G. Hill’s blog. Today’s prompt is day/week/month/year. The idea is to share an unedited piece of stream of consciousness.

The first couple pages I wrote were mostly about stress and frustration, nothing all that interesting. I almost gave up and wrote, “I don’t think that got me anywhere.” Then I wrote, “What if I try the senses?”

First Narcissus

The day is the color of sunshine and safety of the first narcissus,
smiling over the ceramic chicken planter in the bed under the window,
inspiring me to pull the weeds, leaving the chicken prepared.

In a week the cherry-plum blossoms will look like cotton candy
with birds and bees stuck in their sweetness.

The month will be warm and arouse.
The air will fill with elaborate calls of dominance attracting mates
And I will begin this year’s pile of cut grass,
and turn last year’s compost.

Published by marialberg

I am a fiction writer, poet and lyricist inspired by a life of leaping without hesitation. I was quoted and pictured in Ernie K-Doe: The R & B Emperor of New Orleans by Ben Sandmel. My short stories have been published in Five on the Fifth, Waking Writer, and Fictional Pairings. I am the author and photo-illustrator of Gator McBumpypants picturebooks. I enjoy clothing, costume and puzzle design.

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