Oct. 3 Prompts: Let the Bats Out of the Attic

OctPoWriMo 2023: Facing Our Fears

by Cara Hartley / Ornery Owl

Cara Hartley, a.k.a. Ornery Owl, who joins us from Dark Hearts Love Too on blogspot made the lovely banner above and offered it for use with our posts.

Today’s prompt explores how fear affects memory. Think about something scary that happened. Now, list everything you don’t remember about it. Write a poem about these specific things that you do not remember.

Today’s suggested form is a Loop Poetry. Here’s a Loop Poem I wrote for OctPoWriMo 2020:

Harmonic Old Friends

How, why and when would I separate,
separate my heart from my head?
Head and heart are best in union growing,
growing wiser and stronger together.
Together they temper, soar and explore,
explore comfortable silences and raucous noise,
noise that one can feel and one can pattern to music,
music through symphonic union framed.
Framed intention joins both to focus,
focus the tether from depth to apex point,
point out each other’s strengths and faults,
faults that push and buckle to creation,
creation of quakes or volcanic eruptions,
eruptions of ecstatic insights ripe with feeling.
Feeling inspires thought and they sing together.

Writober 2023

Flash fiction is a great way to experiment with different writing techniques, characters, settings, and subjects. I spent some time looking back over my posts from October 2020 because that year I put in links to journals that publish flash fiction. I found this interesting Judges Report for a flash fiction contest at Reflex Fiction in 2022. The judge’s thoughts are followed by the three winning entries. Tonight He’s Alive; Cuffing Season; and Sharps. Each of these flash stories shows a unique approach to writing flash fiction.

Today’s image prompt is “Dirge” by Ian Llanas. This image introduces another interesting and frightening character, a musician.

Halloween Photography Challenge

The images at the top of this post are the photos I took for “Bats” in 2021 and 2022. For both of the images I used the same sheer fabric with bats in it: the first year as a head covering, and the second as a bokeh filter. This year, I’ll try something else batty.

Please link to your creations in the comments. I can’t wait to see what you come up with.


I picked up some DVDs of horror movies I hadn’t seen from my local library. Nightmare Cinema was a pleasant surprise. It’s an anthology with five stories by five different directors. I really appreciated the unexpected reversal on a slasher in the first segment.

Published by marialberg

I am a fiction writer, poet and lyricist inspired by a life of leaping without hesitation. I was quoted and pictured in Ernie K-Doe: The R & B Emperor of New Orleans by Ben Sandmel. My short stories have been published in Five on the Fifth, Waking Writer, and Fictional Pairings. I am the author and photo-illustrator of Gator McBumpypants picturebooks. I enjoy clothing, costume and puzzle design.

4 thoughts on “Oct. 3 Prompts: Let the Bats Out of the Attic

  1. she was

    – she was sure it was scary – she doesn’t remember a thing – she saw her mother for the first time – she is sure that was scary – but she doesn’t remember a thing – her mother is dead now – she doesn’t want to remember a thing


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