Oct. 14 Prompts: Not in the Grave

OctPoWriMo 2023: Facing Our Fears

Dream or Nightmare: Have you ever died in a dream, or woken up just before? Carefully describe such an image from a dream. Use that image to explore a specific fear.

Writing a Nocturne seems like a good fit for this prompt. You may want to read Nocturne by Louise Glück.

Writober 2023

Today’s image prompt is by Korean illustrator SillDa. Is that pianist hallucinating, or is that piano haunted?

Halloween Photography Challenge

My past graves haven’t been very scary. Maybe I’ll have to make something outside this year.

Please link to your creations in the comments. I can’t wait to see what you come up with.

Published by marialberg

I am a fiction writer, poet and lyricist inspired by a life of leaping without hesitation. I was quoted and pictured in Ernie K-Doe: The R & B Emperor of New Orleans by Ben Sandmel. My short stories have been published in Five on the Fifth, Waking Writer, and Fictional Pairings. I am the author and photo-illustrator of Gator McBumpypants picturebooks. I enjoy clothing, costume and puzzle design.

6 thoughts on “Oct. 14 Prompts: Not in the Grave

  1. Laura De Bernardi

    Daytime Soap

    Dreamscape screams
    hands across mouths
    body to body battle
    it is dark inside

    awake yet dreaming
    still, a mind held
    captive to realtime
    events that are not

    real in space or time
    it’s reality television
    in the lounge with
    the set turned off

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Maria, Thank you, warmly, for your kindly replies. I appreciate the time you are taking to read my poetry, so called.

        I’m finding your prompts so interesting. Of course, I know I’m writing stuff that isn’t very good. But it’s the act of writing itself, that being here in your blog is allowing, that is so interesting. I do something. I know it’s a first draft type of response to the prompt and I enjoy the process of the doing.

        In this case, the poem is an attempt to describe PTSD, which can rattle the mind when asleep or awake, and which can appear to have the quality of a waking dream, the problem being, there’s no off switch.

        Reality TV and daytime soaps are different genres, so if I attempted the poem again, I’d have to clear that problem up.

        I don’t mean to imply that I’m being lazy and thoughtless in response to your prompts. I rarely write poetry. This is the first time I’ve ever managed a sustained effort. What I’m learning is that the mind can throw up different ideas, images, concepts, that look as if they could take the form of a poem, and that it’s good to just begin, and allow the process in a non-critical, non-analytical kind of way. I hope that makes sense.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. That absolutely makes sense and I’m glad you shared your thoughts on your experience so far this month. I often feel like these daily poems and stories are poor rough drafts on my part, but I enjoy the experimentation, and there’s usually one or two gems to polish by the end. I’m so glad to have inspired your first sustained poetry writing effort. That’s wonderful.


Thank you for being here