Poor Little Homeless Bat

If you missed this morning’s prompts post, I’m responding to Let the Bats Out of the Attic. For today’s images, I played with some rubber bats I found at the Grocery Outlet. They are supposed to stick to any surface by the little rubber discs under their wings. They don’t, but I still like them.Continue reading “Poor Little Homeless Bat”

Oct. 3 Prompts: Let the Bats Out of the Attic

OctPoWriMo 2023: Facing Our Fears Cara Hartley, a.k.a. Ornery Owl, who joins us from Dark Hearts Love Too on blogspot made the lovely banner above and offered it for use with our posts. Today’s prompt explores how fear affects memory. Think about something scary that happened. Now, list everything you don’t remember about it. WriteContinue reading “Oct. 3 Prompts: Let the Bats Out of the Attic”