#Writober Day 31: Happy Halloween!

Tourmaline .’s Halloween Challenge As I did last year, I found this Halloween challenge inspiring. I made more detailed cuts for my filters this year inspired by PBS’s Monstrum, and came up with the idea to use tiny brads to add movable aspects to my filters. Thank you Tourmaline . Today’s prompt is Costume. IContinue reading “#Writober Day 31: Happy Halloween!”

#Writober Day 30: Simple Pumpkin Party

Contradictory Abstract Nouns So here we are near the end of October. This week I looked at Here’s the calendar I came up with for my continued study through November: Tourmaline .’s Halloween Challenge Today’s prompt is Party. OctPoWriMo Today’s theme is Simple Pleasures. Pleasures Never Simple Pain is a thiefstealing simple pleasures the fuzzy,Continue reading “#Writober Day 30: Simple Pumpkin Party”

#Writober Day 29: #SoCS Surprise Halloween Element

I’m so excited to share that I am now a published photographer!! One of my photographs is in the latest issue of Wrongdoing Magazine. You can view it online (pages 98-99). Stream of Consciousness Saturday (SoCS) Today’s prompt for some stream of consciousness writing is “element.” Here’s an excerpt from this morning’s journal pages: TheseContinue reading “#Writober Day 29: #SoCS Surprise Halloween Element”

#Writober Day 28: Courageous Screaming

Tourmaline .’s Halloween Challenge Today’s prompt is Scream. This morning I’m thinking of “The Scream” by Edvard Munch. How will I visualize a piercing, shrill sound? Is the scream the sound outside the body, or the gut-wrenching terror vibrating inside before it escapes through the vocal cords? And how would I visualize that? OctPoWriMo Today’sContinue reading “#Writober Day 28: Courageous Screaming”

#Writober Day 27: Carving Pretty Things Into Weak Flesh

Contradictory Abstract Nouns Today, I start looking at the last of my chosen Halloween themed abstract nouns: finding the weakness in strength and the strength in weakness. This morning’s thoughts took me full circle to watching Hellraiser to start the Halloween season. Those movies are all about carving and weakness of the flesh. I’ve alwaysContinue reading “#Writober Day 27: Carving Pretty Things Into Weak Flesh”

#Writober Day 26: Containing the Autumn Moon

Tourmaline .’s Halloween Challenge Today’s prompt is Moon. For today’s images I thought about making a transformer filter for the phases of the moon which led me to the idea of using a small brad and turning the moon. For this filter, I used a tiny, black brad (shaped like a button) to hold aContinue reading “#Writober Day 26: Containing the Autumn Moon”

#Writober Day 25: Creatures to Represent Our Fears

Tourmaline .’s Halloween Challenge Today’s prompt is “Creature.” For today’s images I attempted to create a creature to represent the sudden fear I felt while letting the cat out in the middle of the night. That split second horror of what if someone or something is there, waiting on the other side of the glass.Continue reading “#Writober Day 25: Creatures to Represent Our Fears”

#Writober Day 24: Use the Things That Haunt You

This Week’s Contradictory Abstract Nouns To finish out October, I’ll be looking at finding the evil in good and the good in evil until Wednesday, and then finding the weakness in strength and the strength in weakness through Saturday with my images on Sunday. When I was thinking about drinks for the Halloween Challenge theContinue reading “#Writober Day 24: Use the Things That Haunt You”

#Writober Day 23: Anticipating the Trees in the Forest

Contradictory Abstract Nouns So this week I looked at two sets of abstract nouns: Find confidence in fear and fear in confidence This week I tied this in with the perfectly imperfect and it could be represented by my tainted Halloween treats: It takes confidence to ring doorbells and demand candy, but there is precedenceContinue reading “#Writober Day 23: Anticipating the Trees in the Forest”

#Writober Day 22: #SoCS A Graven Bowl to Hold What’s Passed

Stream of Consciousness Saturday Today’s prompt for some stream of consciousness writing is “bowl.” A bowl is both a hemispheric vessel, and the substance that it does or does not hold. A bowl can be a ball that’s rolled, its act of rolling and its action on a thing. An intense feeling, being bowled over,Continue reading “#Writober Day 22: #SoCS A Graven Bowl to Hold What’s Passed”