
Usually for the A to Z Challenge, since I also participate in NaPoWriMo, I choose a type or classification of words. I started with learning new words, then I branched out to musical terms, Janus words, abstract nouns, and contradictory abstract nouns. But this year, I tried something very different. I let my physical collectionContinue reading “Reflections”

April Review and What’s Coming in May

I gave the challenges my all. I showed up every day. I began the month promising acceptance for whatever comes, and then instantly regretted it, because the unexpected came again, and again. There was nothing to do but accept it, and yet that didn’t mean I could help but want to get off the roller-coasterContinue reading “April Review and What’s Coming in May”

A New Year, A New Look for 2024

New Theme Here we are in a new year and I finally found a new WordPress theme that I think will work with Experience Writing. I’m trying “Hever” which is supposed to adapt across devices, moved all the widgets to the footer, and most importantly, doesn’t have that weird text overlap spacing issue with headersContinue reading “A New Year, A New Look for 2024”

Reflecting on the use of Janus words in my April poems

Today is reflection post day for the A to Z Challenge. I enjoyed their theme and posts about games this year. Though I did not remember to do the scavenger hunt, I really liked the idea, and if anyone is still looking for a post for “bear”, I wrote a poem called Black Bear’s Branch.Continue reading “Reflecting on the use of Janus words in my April poems”