Calvino’s 3rd Memo: Exactitude – Crystal & Flame

I’m continuing to find inspiration in Six Memos for the Next Millennium by Italo Calvino. This week I’m looking at Exactitude and Vagueness as contradictory abstractions. Let’s start with some definitions: exactitude: precision, accuracy, meticulousness vagueness: unspecific, imprecise; obscure, hazy, shadowy Calvino uses the symbols of crystal and flame, so I decided to start there.Continue reading “Calvino’s 3rd Memo: Exactitude – Crystal & Flame”

#NaNoWriMo & #NovPAD Day 13 & #SoCS: Forging an Oracle

For today’s images, I wanted to build on yesterday’s fun discovery. The eye photo from yesterday makes me think of an oracle. Then I thought of a magic 8 ball. I used to have one and really liked it.I found an online 8 Ball, but it just wasn’t the same. The physical holding and shakingContinue reading “#NaNoWriMo & #NovPAD Day 13 & #SoCS: Forging an Oracle”

The Mentor of #NaNoWriMo Day 7

I woke up this morning and went straight to my manuscript. I had a bad dream, but it made me think of a scene for my story and I didn’t want to miss it. It has been foggy and cold the last few days, so I decided to have a fire in the fireplace. TheContinue reading “The Mentor of #NaNoWriMo Day 7”

I is for Ignivomous

ignivomous: adjective – vomiting or spewing forth fire.     The Bather While she tentatively dips a toe in the crystal water, he races across the flat, dry land. Top down, dark hair flying, blasting the classics Smile so tight he can’t sing along Smile so long his face tans that way If he everContinue reading “I is for Ignivomous”

Throwing Stones: I made my #NaNoWriMo Cover

THROWING STONES: Tshepo Mwendi blames fire fighters for the loss of his parents and his home. His grief, turned anger, fuels his singular mission: to make fire fighters suffer as he has by showing the world they are inept (thus taking away their funding leading to their non-existence). To achieve his goal he throws stonesContinue reading “Throwing Stones: I made my #NaNoWriMo Cover”