A Watery Grave

If you missed this morning’s prompts post, I’m responding to Not in the Grave. For today’s images I tried something new and played with fabric under water to create a ghostly under-water grave. OctPoWriMo 2023: Facing Our Fears NIghtmare Nocturnes Darkness arrives earlier each dayand against my will I tire earlier each daybecause then theContinue reading “A Watery Grave”

Oct. 14 Prompts: Not in the Grave

OctPoWriMo 2023: Facing Our Fears Dream or Nightmare: Have you ever died in a dream, or woken up just before? Carefully describe such an image from a dream. Use that image to explore a specific fear. Writing a Nocturne seems like a good fit for this prompt. You may want to read Nocturne by LouiseContinue reading “Oct. 14 Prompts: Not in the Grave”