October Pairings (#OctPairs): Wooden Jigsaw Puzzles and Spooky Movies.

I was writing my morning pages at the end of September (hard to believe that wasn’t even a week ago) and started thinking about things that go together with Halloween movies and books. I remembered an October when I manufactured artifact puzzles. I would put on scary movies while I separated the puzzle pieces andContinue reading “October Pairings (#OctPairs): Wooden Jigsaw Puzzles and Spooky Movies.”

#Writober Update

    I wanted to add a few things to the line-up for #Writober. While reading Slade House: A Novel by David Mitchell for #RIPXII’s Peril of the group read, I had another idea of how to use the #Writober 2 pinterest board. Each image could be a scene in a continuous story. You mightContinue reading “#Writober Update”