Oct. 19 Prompts: Screams in the Night

OctPoWriMo 2023:Facing Our Fears Body Horror: Write a poem about the thing or things that scare you about the human body. This could be a fun day to do a spoken poem. To create a spoken poem, record yourself speaking the poem as it comes to you then copy down what you said, and useContinue reading “Oct. 19 Prompts: Screams in the Night”

Oct. 18 Prompts: Fear of the Living Dead Trespasser

OctPoWriMo 2023: Facing Our Fears Fear of Trespass: Write your poem in the language of a police report in which the burglar or attacker was supernatural. I highly recommend reading Pasco police officers report DUI arrest in poem form (not supernatural) for inspiration. Here’s a resource on How to Write a Police Report. And here’sContinue reading “Oct. 18 Prompts: Fear of the Living Dead Trespasser”

Oct. 16 Prompts: Sexy Blood Suckers

OctPoWriMo 2023: Facing Our Fears Fear of Fangs: Write a poem that includes being bit (by something or someone) and biting (something or someone). A Triple Tetractys might be fun with this prompt. Writober 2023 Today’s image prompt is a creepy find. Those creatures look like they could have fangs. Halloween Photography Challenge Please linkContinue reading “Oct. 16 Prompts: Sexy Blood Suckers”

A Watery Grave

If you missed this morning’s prompts post, I’m responding to Not in the Grave. For today’s images I tried something new and played with fabric under water to create a ghostly under-water grave. OctPoWriMo 2023: Facing Our Fears NIghtmare Nocturnes Darkness arrives earlier each dayand against my will I tire earlier each daybecause then theContinue reading “A Watery Grave”

Oct. 10 Prompts: Behind the Masks

OctPoWriMo 2023: Facing Our Fears Fear of the Other: Thinking about all the masks people wear, bring to mind someone that you are afraid of. With that person in mind imagine things that that person would never say. What is the mask he or she is wearing when she says these things in your poem?Continue reading “Oct. 10 Prompts: Behind the Masks”

How the Bones Connected

It’s hard to believe we’re starting the second week of October already (and I went swimming in the lake yesterday). I felt like it took me some time to get warmed up this year. How about you? Hopefully this second week will find us in the flow. If you missed this morning’s prompts post, I’mContinue reading “How the Bones Connected”

Today is Jekyll and Hyde

If you missed this morning’s prompts post, I’m responding to Fear is a Monster. Today really has been a monster, one of those days when nothing works and everything is a pain and takes way longer than it should. It was the hottest October seventh on record here. My neighbors said there was a boatContinue reading “Today is Jekyll and Hyde”

Oct. 7 Prompts: Fear is a Monster

OctPoWriMo 2023: Facing Our Fears Fear of Monsters: Use a traditional Halloween monster in a metaphor. For example, “The world is a vampire,” the great opening line of The Smashing Pumpkins song “Bullet With Butterfly Wings.” Open your poem with your metaphor and develop it throughout your poem. Anyone up to the challenge of tryingContinue reading “Oct. 7 Prompts: Fear is a Monster”

Writing in the Twilight

If you missed this morning’s prompts post, I’m responding to In the Twilight. For today’s images, I used a star-shaped filter in the mirrorworld and used a lot of patience with the panoramic function on my camera to create my own twilight. OctPoWriMo 2023: Facing Our Fears Watch Where You Step CracksCracks Cracksall those pavementContinue reading “Writing in the Twilight”

Oct. 6 Prompts: In the Twilight

I’ve noticed a bit of a drop-off already. I hope it’s not because you’re not enjoying the prompts. Please let me know if there’s something you would like me to change. Be brutally honest; I can take it. I’m doing this because I love these challenges and don’t want them to end. I find fallContinue reading “Oct. 6 Prompts: In the Twilight”