October 20: Touching Textures #OctPoWriMo #Writober and #NanoPrep

A Conglomeration of Textures by Maria L. Berg 2020


Read for inspiration and craft

Today was a serendipity-full day, so when I happened upon a site that does “Textile Poems,” I decided that was a perfect type of poem for today. I love making fabric art and really like the idea of its creation as a poem.

Recommended poem: Wildfires by Zwia

Online journal: Textile Poems

Spotlight Poem from OctPoWriMo Day 19

Right Here, Right Now by Annis Cassells
I enjoyed the immediacy of every line and the imagery of the conch held to the ear. The days are galloping by. Hold those reins tight.

Poetry prompt Today’s OctPoWriMo prompt is Touch

Forms Nove Otto

The softness hides the danger

Reflected in the mirror slick
the sound-foam reforms elastic
ostrich feathers flutter tickly
all rest on faux-fur carpet soft
the centerpiece sandpaper rough
jagged saw-blade teeth look prickly
The fence climbed over of wire barbed
the next higher and razor-sharp
brush for metal mesh holds bristly

A Conglomeration of Textures with Kitty by Maria L. Berg 2020


For today’s visual prompt, I chose this photograph by Christian Hopkins

micro-story : He thought the replicator would solve his problems. After the first copy wouldn’t go to work, or even clean the house, but plopped down and moped in the other corner of the room, he probably should have stopped. He figured the replicator must have malfunctioned, or he had used it incorrectly, so he tried again, and again, again. . . .

Read for inspiration and craft

Horror flash fiction story Appleseed of my eye

Horror online magazine Dreaming Tales

NaNo Prep

Yesterday, I put my printer through a serious workout. I printed worksheets like crazy and organized them in a binder that is now filled to capacity. It is organized into sections: Me, My Process & Motivation; Brainstorming; Characters; Settings; Plot, conflict, suspense, tension; and Scenes.

Once I had my binder filled to the brim with fun, I took a look at Eva Deverell’s One Page Novel plot generator.

What she was doing with her fantasy novel wasn’t helping me, but she got me thinking (her cheat sheets) about obligatory scenes and the story grid. So I downloaded the genre story grid cheat sheets and started looking for obligatory scenes and conventions as I followed along with the One Page Novel technique and (pause for dramatic effect) I started coming up with specific scene ideas for my novel.

Tonight, I’m going to play with some timeline worksheets and the futurists thinking Reveal Unexpected Possibilities worksheet to explore my setting more.

What are you focusing on for these last days of NaNo Prep? Do you have any questions about NaNoWriMo?

Published by marialberg

I am a fiction writer, poet and lyricist inspired by a life of leaping without hesitation. I was quoted and pictured in Ernie K-Doe: The R & B Emperor of New Orleans by Ben Sandmel. My short stories have been published in Five on the Fifth, Waking Writer, and Fictional Pairings. I am the author and photo-illustrator of Gator McBumpypants picturebooks. I enjoy clothing, costume and puzzle design.

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