Interview with Richard C. White about his new book Harbinger Of Darkness!

Some of you may remember way back before #Writober  started, I asked What are you planning for #Writober? Back then, a million years ago, I mentioned that I planned to do Readers Imbibing Peril XII’s Peril in the First. I listed the books I planned on reading and half of those have changed, but IContinue reading “Interview with Richard C. White about his new book Harbinger Of Darkness!”

#Writober Day 13: A Well In The Woods

This is one of the wells at Longmire in Mt. Rainier National Park. This well sits directly to the left of the cabin in the woods. The well definitely makes me think of The Ring a great spooky movie for those you doing RIPXII’s Peril on the Screen. Why is this well in the woods?Continue reading “#Writober Day 13: A Well In The Woods”

October Pairings (#OctPairs): Halloween Candy and Books

When I was young, one of my favorite things to do on a cool, usually rainy, Fall day was grab a big bag of M&M’s(click on that and check out the weird M&M options on amazon. Coffee and nut, what?), a nice warm blanket and a good book. So for our second installment of OctoberContinue reading “October Pairings (#OctPairs): Halloween Candy and Books”

#Writober Day 8: Hungry Tree In The Military Cemetery

This tree takes me straight to Poltergeist only these gravestones stayed in the cemetery. Any of the Poltergeist movies would be great for those of you doing the RIPXII Peril on the Screen challenge. #vss: very short story He blamed the trees for his losses; roots tripping his men; branches scratching. The trees seek punitiveContinue reading “#Writober Day 8: Hungry Tree In The Military Cemetery”

#Writober Day 7: The Upside-down

What would life be like if gravity worked backwards somehow? Or there was no gravity as we understand it? Or a race of people whose heads pulled downward created an earth in the sky? What story does this image say to you? #vss Last night, I had fun writing a very short story (a storyContinue reading “#Writober Day 7: The Upside-down”

#Writober Day 1: Let autumnal writing commence!

Here it is, the first day of #Writober. And here’s Day 1’s inspiring image:   I used a random number generator to help me order the photographs for #Writober 2, so there isn’t any significance to this being the first image. However, this image may be timely. It could be the aftermath of  an earthquake,Continue reading “#Writober Day 1: Let autumnal writing commence!”

What are you planning for #Writober?

#Writober – a writing and reading extravaganza leading to Halloween September is flying by too quickly. I haven’t even posted my giant Summer reading review yet, but it’s already time to start looking toward October. October is a great time for writing, especially creepy fantasy and horror challenges. I’ve decided to use J.S. Nagy’s challengeContinue reading “What are you planning for #Writober?”