#Writober Day 11: The Truth of Love and Frog

Diving into the question, What is Truth? for this week’s contradictory abstract nouns, I came across this interesting video on Truth vs. Reality with Donald Hoffman from Big Think. Tourmaline .’s Halloween Challenge Today’s prompt is Frog. I really like the filter I cut for last year, so I thought I would try some ofContinue reading “#Writober Day 11: The Truth of Love and Frog”

#Writober Day 10: Night’s Truths and Fictions

Contradictory Abstract Nouns This week I’m finishing out what I named “The Big 5” abstract nouns. This week is a study of Truth and it’s contradiction “Fiction.” Finding the truth in fiction and the fiction in truth this week should be inspiring. This week’s contradictory abstract nouns made me think of the great Will FerrellContinue reading “#Writober Day 10: Night’s Truths and Fictions”

#Writober Day 9: The Wisdom of Honey and Owls

This week, being the first week of all the fun challenges of Writober, I didn’t write much about this week’s study of contradictory abstract nouns. This week I was looking at the naivete in wisdom and the wisdom of naivete. Yesterday, I came across a Proverb (in my daily gratitude journal: Proverbs journal from EllieContinue reading “#Writober Day 9: The Wisdom of Honey and Owls”

#Writober Day 8: #SoCS The Strange and Wonderful in the Back of the Fridge

Stream of Consciousness Saturday Today’s prompt for some stream of consciousness writing is “back of the fridge.” At first I thought of the space behind the fridge: dark, collecting dust and cobwebs that are impossible to get to. I wasn’t going to have a lot to say about that back of the fridge. But thenContinue reading “#Writober Day 8: #SoCS The Strange and Wonderful in the Back of the Fridge”

#Writober Day 7: Courage to Persevere Through the Fog

Tourmaline .’s Halloween Challenge Today’s word is “Fog” which immediately made me think of the movie “The Fog.” I first watched The Fog thinking it was the movie that inspired the Simpsons Treehouse of Horror V in which a fog made their bodies turn inside out, so I was surprised that the movie was aboutContinue reading “#Writober Day 7: Courage to Persevere Through the Fog”

#Writober Day 6: Surrendering Zombie Guilt

Tourmaline .’s Halloween Challenge Today’s prompt is Zombie. In a way, my filter shapes are like zombies eating my brain and mindlessly replicating (on every glint of light). Not having a clear idea for today’s photo-shoot, I did some research and found some interesting online resources I thought I’d share: PBS did a series calledContinue reading “#Writober Day 6: Surrendering Zombie Guilt”

#Writober Day 5: Treating Myself to a New Mirrorworld for Fall

Tourmaline .’s Halloween Challenge Today’s prompt is Treat. I treated myself by taking down the make-shift mirrorworld in the bathroom, and building a new one in the closet. OctPoWriMo Today’s prompt is “be yourself.” The recommended form is Palindrome Poetry. I Am Enough Connecting thoughts, busy mindnever bored, never stagnant:not stale or foul from standingIContinue reading “#Writober Day 5: Treating Myself to a New Mirrorworld for Fall”

#Writober Day 4: Trying New Tricks

Tourmaline .’s Halloween Challenge Today’s prompt is Trick. So what new trick do I want to try today? Yesterday’s ideas of wisdom being connections of ideas inspired me to try sewing, typing with an old typewriter, and writing on transparencies. Then I thought about all the fun I had with inkblots, and tried making inkblotsContinue reading “#Writober Day 4: Trying New Tricks”

#Writober Day 3: Naive Skeletal Wisdom

Contradictory Abstract Nouns This week I am exploring the naivete in wisdom and the wisdom in naivete. Yesterday, while reading The Senses: Design Beyond Vision edited by Ellen Lipton and Andrea Lipps, I read, “Sensory design activates touch, sound, smell, taste, and the wisdom of the body.” That really opened up this week’s study forContinue reading “#Writober Day 3: Naive Skeletal Wisdom”

#Writober Day 2: Feelin’ a little batty

R. I. P. XVII Readers Imbibing Peril Peril of the listen! This morning I finished listening to Dante’s Inferno. I think Clive Barker was heavily influenced by this work while making Hellraiser. Tourmaline .’s Halloween Challenge Today’s prompt is “Bats.” I used the same fabric as I did last year, but I turned it intoContinue reading “#Writober Day 2: Feelin’ a little batty”