Diving In or a Step at a Time

This week jumped from a cold and rainy Spring, to a hot and sunny Summer. I took my first dive into the lake, was greeted with an icy bite, and got right back out. Saturday, I took the slow walk down the ramp, but didn’t get all the way in. Which was better? Each hadContinue reading “Diving In or a Step at a Time”

Quadrille Monday

Mish’s prompt for today’s Quadrille (a poem of exactly 44 words) at dVerse Poets Pub is “Blaze.” I had so much fun using magnetic poetry for this last time, I thought I’d try it again. I used the Original Edition(assoc link), but stole the word “zeal” from the Genius kit(assoc link). Here’s what I cameContinue reading “Quadrille Monday”

Quadrille Monday

Whimzygizmo’s prompt for today’s Quadrille (a poem of exactly 44 words) at dVerse Poets Pub is “Friday.” For an extra challenge, I used my new The Artist Magnetic Poetry Kit (assoc link). I added the word Friday with part of a label sticker on one of the magnets. It was a very different Quadrille experience.Continue reading “Quadrille Monday”

Poetry Month Begins with Acceptance

The author reflects on the positive start to NaPoWriMo, celebrating acceptance and self-acceptance. They also share plans for writing and reading poetry throughout the month, embracing new challenges and opportunities.

Snow is Beautiful Danger

Today is Quadrille Monday at dVerse Poets Pub and the prompt word is “snow.” Snow is beautiful danger like a sleeping cat’s claws. It masks the world soft, hiding sharp objects.It entices us into the blinding white to freeze. A snowflake confuses the eye, appearing to float, barely falling as it holds our attentionwhile thousandsContinue reading “Snow is Beautiful Danger”

Rituals to Face Today

For today’s images, I played with the trope of the hooded figure performing rituals (and it gave me an excuse to pull out my pretty cape I made a long time ago for a Death costume). OctPoWriMo Last time I was in New Orleans, I found a book called Gumbo Ya-Ya: A Collection of LouisianaContinue reading “Rituals to Face Today”

Violent Nature

Today’s prompt for Quadrille Monday at dVerse Poets Pub is “Smash.” Violent Nature And Smash! The glass shatters,a smattering of cracks and littering smithereensFear seeps in and smuggles safety out betweeninto the darkest nightSmiter of electric light,the wind howls triumphantShe imagines his smug smileas he leaves smudgeson the walls

Tiny Little Slivers

Today’s prompt for Quadrille (a poem of exactly forty-four words) Monday at dVerse Poets Pub is “sliver.” Tiny Little Slivers summer barefoot joyrunning on docks and decksoften leaves a tiny sliver the smallest almost invisible splinter deep under the skin creating a stabbing painto the touchsharp and lingeringlike the stabin the backslivering its wayto theContinue reading “Tiny Little Slivers”

A Short Poem That Pops

Sorry I was away so long. This summer is turning out to be especially busy. But let’s dive back in with a Quadrille. Today’s prompt over at dVerse Poets Pub is to write a Quadrille (a poem of exactly forty-four words) that includes the word “pop” in some way. Anticipating the Balloon’s Pop Anticipation fillsContinue reading “A Short Poem That Pops”

Written in the Stars

Today’s prompt for Quadrille Monday at dVerse Poets Pub is “star.” I’ve been playing around with creating found poetry from The Complete Herbal by Nicholas Culpeper (1653), one of the texts suggested for submissions to the next issue of Heron Tree. Culpeper believed that the medicinal properties of herbs were connected to stars and planets,Continue reading “Written in the Stars”